Monday, September 10, 2007

LINK: Well, Six Of Them, But Hey, Who's Counting?

Back in July, I posted about my friends Martin and Mathew and how they were performing at the Edinburgh Fringe, in a show they'd written, called Half Life Crisis.

Well, the show took place - and went rather well, by all accounts - but unlike those people whose achievements are writ in water, this internet age and the availability of video facilities means that those of us who couldn't make it to Scotland to see it can still see some bits of it.

And so, laydeez and gennelmen, without further ado, I give you...
How consultancy could have helped the Cree Nation
What 2001 would look like if Windows had been used

If you like it so much you want to donate to the chaps' choice of charity, please do so here.

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