Monday, August 03, 2009

Indian Summer Holiday: Part Three Of Two*

All right, all right, I know I said that I wouldn't post any more about our recent holiday (it's mere footsteps away from blogging about what I had for lunch, I know)... but I forgot to share one picture.

What do you think this is ? Apart from what a policeman would call 'probable cause', I mean...

Well, yes, we all know what it looks like, but it's far more innocently than it appears: as mad as it may seem, the above is how the HHI Hotel in Varanasi provides you with in-room powdered milk for making tea and coffee.

Whilst I've - ahem - been known to avail myself of the little shampoo and shower gel bottles you get in hotel bathrooms, I'd certainly think twice about nicking the HHI's in-room powdered milk. I mean, imagine the reaction if customs search your luggage.

"And what's this, sir?"
"Um, I think it's Coffee-Mate, but it could be Marvel - some kind of powdered milk, anyway."
"Of course, sir. Would you like to come into this back room for a humiliating strip search?"

*This numbering system is valid, by the way - both Douglas Adams and Mad magazine have used it, so it must be all right.

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