Wednesday, November 04, 2009

He's Cleared The First Hurdle, But What About The Second?

If you're of a writerly mind, you may remember the stuff I posted in September about the open call for submissions to the BBC radio sketch show, Recorded For Training Purposes.

Well, just to prove that I don't idly post these things - and that I wasn't kidding when I said I didn't need the competition - I sent a couple of sketches in, and crikey o'riley if I didn't get an e-mail today saying that I'd made it past the initial sift.

Which made me grin like an idiot, though the e-mail also cautions that there are something like 250 people in my situation, plus all the actual commissioned writers like Senor Arnopp, and they'll probably be wanting about 100 sketches in total. So I shouldn't get too excited quite yet, though it's stoked the fires of my ego to get this far.

Did any of you folks send anything in, and if so, any response? Are you - cripes - one of my rivals for airtime? Do let me know.

You may, of course, rest assured that I'll let you know when I hear more, be it aye or nay (though the e-mail suggests I shouldn't necessarily expect to hear before Christmas). I may not know much, but I understand enough about narrative to know that people usually like some kind of closure on things.

But anyway: colour me pleased.

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